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Posts published by “Psycho Pharma”

Are Dyslexics More Entrepreneurial?

Dyslexia is rather common: it is estimated that around 5-10% of individuals are dyslexic. Despite an apparent disability, some are famous, like Tom Cruise or…

How Weather Influences the Brain?

We all know that the weather can strongly influence our mood and productivity. Many people feel better when the weather is nice and sunny. It…

Marshmallow Study Roasted?

While on break in St. Andrews (Scotland) last week, I enjoyed a dinner conversation with a celebrated M.I.T. developmental psychologist and a similarly brilliant University…

Does Depression Accelerate Aging?

A clear association between depression, especially the major depressive disorder, oxidative stress, and accelerated aging is supported by research. Depression, major depressive disorder more specifically,…

Acupuncture and Pain

Acupuncture is one of the oldest systems of traditional medicine. With roots in China, this medical system is more than 2000 years old. It differs…